返回: GPS 主被動器件(Global Positioning System)


GPS光纖授時系統(GPS Over Fiber Timing System)
JTD-GOF101R+GOF101L 型錄

本系統由遠端主機和近端主機構成,遠近端主機為從雙電源+48V供電,保障系統穩定運行,單輸入N型天線接口連接室外GPS天線.近端主機通過光纖接收遠端主機發送的衛星信號,且經過放大分配處理給輸出端,輸出端口在同一時間將 GPS信號給輸出端口,系統是將主動GPS接收天線接收的信號通過光傳輸給近端主機,近端主機補償放大將信號完整輸出供給GPS接收設備(N型端口)增益可調最大為40dB.


Product Description:

The system is composed of a remote host and a near host. The remote host is powered from dual power +48V to ensure stable operation of the system. The single-input N-type antenna interface is connected to the outdoor GPS antenna. The near-end host receives the information sent by the remote host through optical fiber the satellite signal is amplified and distributed to the output port. The output port sends the GPS signal to the output port at the same time. The system transmits the signal received by the active GPS receiving antenna to the near-end host through light, and the near-end host compensates and amplifies the signal to complete the signal. The output is supplied to the GPS receiving device (N-type port), and the gain can be adjusted to a maximum of 40dB.

The optical fiber interface (FC/APC) is used as a signal transmission interface between the remote and near-end hosts, and the long-distance signal transmission between the remote host and the near-end host is carried out through the optical fiber.