返回: GPS 主被動器件(Global Positioning System)


GPS室外全向主動天線(Outdoor Omni Active Antenna)
JTD-CE-1100-1700V45i360A 型錄

杰通數碼能根據客戶需求設計,巧妙的結合高性能的元件來提供最佳覆蓋率及低雜訊表現的 GPS天線,這些天線非常適合使用在需要GPS室內涵蓋環境中,包含工廠及實驗室,公共運輸數據採集與監控系統,國防等等。我們目前製造的天線產品可以覆蓋 GPS / GLONASS / BEIDOU

此天線是一款集 GPS,Glonass,Beidou2,Galileo 等衛星信號的測量天線,可廣泛應用於大地測量、橋樑施工、海洋測量、水下地形測量等場合。

該天線採用多饋點設計,保證天線相位中心和幾何中心的重合,提高測量的精度。天線單元增益高,方向圖波束寬,確保在一些遮擋較嚴重的場合仍可正常接收衛星信號,涵蓋 GPS L1/L2北斗二代B1/ B2/ B3GLONASS L1/L2 GalileoE1/E2/E5a/E5b/E6的全頻段外置測量型發射天線,滿足目前 GNSS 測量設備多系統相容和高精度測量的需求,特別適用於 GNSS 信號發射類比、偽衛星增強及偽衛星自組網等應用場合。

ü   天線部分採用多饋點設計和完全對稱的天線結構,實現相位中心與幾何中心的重合,降低天線對測量誤差的影響。

ü   天線增益高,方向圖波束寬,對低仰角信號的發射效果好。

ü   天線端部分採用後置濾波方案,有效抑制帶外干擾,提高系統的可靠性。

ü   採用整體防水設計,防水等級可達 IP68. 

Jietong Digital can design according to customer needs and cleverly combine high-performance components to provide GPS antennas with the best coverage and low noise performance. These antennas are very suitable for use in environments that require GPS indoor coverage, including factories and laboratories. Public transportation data collection and monitoring system, national defense, etc. The antenna products we currently manufacture can cover GPS / GLONASS / BEIDOU.

This antenna is a measurement antenna that integrates GPS, Glonass, Beidou2, Galileo and other satellite signals. It can be widely used in geodetic surveys, bridge construction, ocean surveys, underwater topographic surveys and other occasions.

The antenna adopts a multi-feed point design to ensure the coincidence of the antenna phase center and the geometric center and improve the measurement accuracy. The antenna unit has high gain and wide beam pattern to ensure that satellite signals can still be received normally in some severely obstructed occasions, covering GPS L1/L2, Beidou second-generation B1/ B2/ B3, GLONASS L1/L2 and GalileoE1/E2/E5a /E5b/E6 full-band external measurement transmitter antenna, meets the current GNSS measurement equipment multi-system compatibility and high-precision measurement requirements, especially suitable for GNSS signal

ü   The antenna part adopts a multi-feed point design and a completely symmetrical antenna structure to achieve the coincidence of the phase center and the geometric center and reduce the influence of the antenna on the measurement error.

ü   The antenna gain is high, the pattern beam is wide, and the effect of transmitting low-elevation signals is good.

ü   The antenna end part adopts a post filtering scheme, which effectively suppresses out-of-band interference and improves the reliability of the system.

ü   The overall waterproof design is adopted, and the waterproof level can reach IP68.