返回: 光纖中繼器(Fiber Repeater)

FIBER LINK 104/404

Dual Band (1800+2100) Fiber Optic Repeater(20W)
FIBER LINK 104/404FIBER LINK 104/404
FIBER LINK 104/404
FIBER LINK 104/404

l   防護等級為IP65的鋁合金外殼對灰塵,水和腐蝕具有很高的抵抗力

l   Tx / Rx控制和警報消息可以通過一根光纖電纜傳輸

l   穩定並改善信號傳輸質量

l   一個主設備最多可支持4個遠程設備,以最大程度地利用光纜 

l   USB / RJ45端口提供了到筆記本電腦的鏈接,以進行本地監管,或者通過內置的無線調製解調器與NMS(網絡管理系統)進行通信,該網絡可以遠程監控中繼器的工作狀態並將操作參數下載到中繼器

 n  Aluminum-alloy casing with IP65 protection has high resistance to dust, water and corroding

n  Tx/Rx control and alarm messages can be transmitted via one fiber optic cable

n  Stable and improved signal transmission quality

n  One Master Unit can support up to 4 Remote Units to maximize utilization of fiber optic cable

n  USB / RJ45 port provides a link to a notebook for local supervision or to the built-in wireless modem to communicate with the NMS (Network Management System) that can remotely supervise repeater’s working status and download operational parameters to the repeater