全球定位系統(英語:Global Positioning System,通常簡稱GPS),又稱全球衛星定位系統,是美國國防部研製和維護的中距離圓型軌域衛星導航系統。它可以為地球表面絕大部分地區98%提供準確的定位、測速和高精度的標準時間。

Global Positioning System (English: Global Positioning System, usually referred to as GPS), also known as Global Positioning System, is a medium-distance circular orbit satellite navigation system developed and maintained by the US Department of Defense. It can provide accurate positioning, speed measurement and high-precision standard time for most areas (98%) on the earth's surface.


GPS中繼器是用於將信號傳輸到通常無法到達的地方的設備。它們通過使用位於建築物外部的天線接收衛星信號,並將信號重新傳輸到室內區域或覆蓋空間來運行,從而可以一致且不間斷地訪問地下或其它難以到達的區域的信號。使用重傳信號意味著 GPS 接收器正在跟踪當前 GPS 狀態,這樣當接收器從室內移動到室外時,接收器立即跟踪位置,而不是花幾分鐘時間獲取當前GPS 狀態。 

A GPS repeater system is used to bring satellite signals indoors, providing positioning and timing signals inside areas where not usually present.

GPS repeaters are devices that are used to transmit signals to places where they normally cannot reach. They operate by receiving satellite signals with an antenna located outside of a building, and re-transmitting the signals to the indoor area or covered space, resulting in consistent and uninterrupted access to signals underground or in other hard-to-reach areas. The use of re-transmitted signals means that the GPS receiver is tracking the current GPS status, so that when the receiver is moved from indoors to outdoors, the receiver is instantly tracking the location, instead of taking several minutes on the acquisition of the current GPS state. 


GPS 主被動器件(Global Positioning System)



GPS 分配器(4 路)(GPS Power Splitter (4-Way))



GPS 3 路功率分配器(GPS 3 Way Power Splitter)



GNSS 同軸線上放大器(GNSS coaxial amplifier)


External Active GPS antenna

External Active GPS antenna(外接主動式天線)



2路GPS功率分配器(2 Way GPS Power Splitter)



2/4/8路GPS功率分配器(2/4/8 Way GPS Power Splitter)

第 2 頁,共 2 頁

交通資訊(Traffic Info)

本公司距台北火車站摩托車車程只需20分鐘,地理位置適中,鄰近百齡橋、陽明高中、百齡高中、士林夜市、圓山大飯店、天文台、美術館、兒童育樂中心等。(The company is only 20 minutes away from Taipei Railway Station by motorcycle. The geographical position is moderate, close to Balling Bridge, Yangming High School, Balling High School, Shilin Night Market, Grand Hotel, Observatory, Art Museum, Children's Education Center, etc.)


捷運淡水線:由劍潭站2號出口步行至本公司約10-15分鐘 (MRT Danshui Line: Walk from Exit 2 of Jiantan Station to our company about 10-15 minutes)

250路:公車由永和至後港,每小時一班 (No. 250: Bus runs every hour from Yonghe to Hougang)

529路:百齡→劍潭捷運站→士林區行政中心→百齡 (Route 529: BailingJiantan MRT StationShilin District Administrative CenterBailing)

重慶幹線:百齡→重慶北路→火車站→重慶北路→百齡 (Chongqing Main Line: Bailing Chongqing North Road Railway Station Chongqing North Road  Bailing)

如自行開車至我公司,附近均有收費停車場 (If you drive to our company by yourself, there are paid parking lots nearby)


通馳科技股份有限公司 (Tone Spread Technology Co.,Ltd)
統編(TAX ID):27337203

11169 台灣 台北市士林區福港街 141 號 2 樓

2F ,No 141,Fu-Gang St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 11169, Taiwan


營業時間(Service Hrs)

星期一(Mon) ~ 星期五(Fri) : 9:30am 到 6:00pm

星期六日(Sat~Sun) : 公休(Closed)

例假日(Holiday) : 公休(Closed)


電話(Tel): (02)2882-8979 分機(ext.): 31

傳真(Fax): (02)2882-9196

手機(Mobile): 0935-875-076

手機(Mobile): 0955-073-637

電郵(E-mail): sales@tspd.com.tw;tone.spread@msa.hinet.net

Line ID: mikechang5000

Skype: mikechang666

WhatsApp: +886 935875076

WeChat: mikechang5000
