關於通馳(About )
[全面性整合服務] 的專業技術為提供客戶所需要的合格和創新的產品.為了確保產品的品質,我們結合了高素質員工,先進的生產線,完善的檢測設備並與國內外四十多名從事最新電信研究和開發新產品的高級專家及技術人員,進行廣泛而深入的合作與交流.並藉由國外大廠及研究單位的合作機制,合作新產品開發與技術研究.
解決行動通訊信號涵蓋 (Solutions for Wireless Signal Enhancement )及專注數碼產品,引領科技前言(Focus on Digital Products and Lead the Forefront of Technology),一直以來都是我們公司成立的宗旨!
Tone Spread Technology Co.,Ltd (founded in July 2004) is a company specializing in telecommunications equipment and wireless communications. A manufacture of accessories and digital products and a communication system integration service provider. Headquartered in Taipei, it supplies Office commmunication equipment / Client communication equipment / Electronic modules / Related accessories and Digital High-Tech products required for domestic and foreign communication projects."Comprehensive Integrated Service" The professional technology is to provide qualified and innovative products required by customers. In order to ensure the quality of products, We combine High-Quality staffs, Advanced production lines, Perfect testing equipments and more than 40 domestic and foreign Co-Operation Senior experts and Technicians engaged in the latest telecommunications research and development of new products conduct extensive and In-Depth Co-Operation and exchanges. And through the Co-Operation mechanism of foreign manufactures and research units, Co-Operationin new products development and technology research. "Solution for Wireless Signal Enhancement" and "Focus on Digital Products and Lead the Forefront of Technology " have always been the purpose of our company.
公司沿革( History)
-2003~2004 遠傳電信基地台檢修測試 (Far Eas Tone Base Station Maintenance Test).
-2005 國道五號雪隧FM/VHF/UHF系統 (Hsuehshan Tunnel Radio & FM Broadcast System).
-2006 高鐵台北及板橋站行動電話涵蓋 (THSR Mobile In-building Coverage).
-2006 環保署行動電話基地台電磁波檢測 (EPA SAR Measurement) .
-2007 新北萬里隧道行動電話涵蓋
(New Taipei Wanli Mobile Tunnel Coverage).
-2009 高鐵桃園站體及隧道行動電話涵蓋 (THSR Mobile Tunnel Coverage).
-2009 北市警EDACS 數位無線電系統維護
(Taipei City Police EDACS Radio Maintenance) .
-2010 花蓮跳浪隧道行動電話涵蓋
(Hualien Surf Tunnel Mobile Tunnel Coverage)
-2010 中華電信友達光電行動電話涵蓋 (Chunghwa telecom AUO Mobile In-Building Coverage).
-2011 桃園機場/捷運內湖線行動電話涵蓋 (Tao Yuan International Airport Mobile In-Building Coverage).
-2011 國道五號石碇休息站路口交通監控影像5.8G傳輸
(Microwave 5.8GHz Transmission of Traffic Monitoring Images at the Intersection of the National Fifth Shiding Rest Station).
-2012 台64線觀音山隧道行動電話涵蓋 (Route 64 Expressway Guanyin Tunnel Mobile Coverage).
-2013 台鐵三貂嶺隧道行動電話涵蓋
(TRA Sandiaoing Mobile Tunnel Coverage).
-2014 高鐵新苗及東湖隧道行動電話涵蓋 (THSR Mobile Tunnel Coverage).
-2015 台北市政府民防中心微波機檢修 (Civil Defense Center Taipei Microwave Repair).
-2016 高雄市政府警局過港隧道無線電 (Kaohsiung Police Dep. RF Repeater).
-2016 台北復興北路地下道行動電話涵蓋 (Songshan airport underpass mobile coverage).
-2017 蘇澳安永心觀光工廠行動電話涵蓋 (Anyo Museum Mobile Coverage).
-2017 羅東永泰飯店行動電話涵蓋
(Cun Cyue Hotel Mobile Coverage).
-2018 台鐵高雄鐵路地下化行動電話涵蓋 (TRA Underground Kao Hsiung Mobile In-Building Coverage).
-2019 台北市捷運新蘆線行動電話涵蓋 (MRT Taipei Mobile In-Building Coverage).
-2019 台鐵南澳新觀音隧道行動電話涵蓋 (TRA Guanyin Tunnel Mobile Coverage).
-2020 高雄遠雄The One 行動電話涵蓋 (The One Kaohsiung mobile coverage).
-2020 台北新光傑仕堡商旅行動電話涵蓋 (Jasper Hotel Taipei Mobile Coverage).
-2021 台灣大哥大機房智慧型電表建置 (TWN Smart Meter).
-2022 桃園尊勝白金花園行動電話涵蓋.
-2022 高雄中國鋼鐵公司5GNR TDD 4800MHz微基站放大器解決方案
(The 5GNR TDD 4800MHz Trunk Amplifier of China Iron and Steel Corporation).
-2022 高雄車站段地下化行動通訊系統 (Kaohsiung Station Underground Mobile Communication System).
-2023 高雄車站一般旅館行動通訊室內涵蓋(Kaohsiung Station General Hotel Mobile Communication Indoor Coverage).
-2024 台北信義區七張犁AB基地公共住宅電梯行動通信涵蓋.
電信器材(Telecom Equipments)
電子材料(Electronic Materials)
國際貿易(International Trade)
電信管制射頻器材輸入(RF Devices)
電信管制射頻器材製造業(Telecom RF Equipment Manufacturing)
通信工程(Telecom Engineering)
電信管制射頻器材裝設工程(Telecom Installation)
儀器,儀表安裝工程(Instrument Installation)
電腦設備安裝( IT Installation)
產品設計(Product Design)
資訊軟體(Information Software)
電腦及事務機器(Computer & Business Machine Equipment)
自動控制設備(Automatic Control Equipment)
電器批發(Electrical Appliances Wholesale)
電池批發(Battery Wholesale)
能源技術服務(Energy Technology Services)
污染防治設備(Pollution Prevention Equipment)
資料處理(Data Processing)
衛星電視器材安裝(Satellite TV Equipment Installation)
網路認證服務(Internet Authentication Service)
電子資訊供應服務(Electronic Information Supply Service)
用電設備檢驗維護(Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment)
交通號誌安裝工程(Traffic Signal Installation Engineering )
太陽熱能設備安裝工程(Solar Thermal Equipment Installation Engineering Industry)
機械安裝(Mechanical Installation)
電纜安裝工程(Cable Installation Engineering Industry)
Win ! Win!創造與客戶雙贏的局面!
Technology-oriented,professionalism first,quality first,servics first,integrity management,steady growth.
In terms of business philosophy, the company's consistent approach is continuous innovation to improve the quality to the best level;on the customer side,the most efficient way to meet customer needs.
Only with the foundation of integrity and concept of benefit sharing can there be a way to maximizt the entire supply chain and enable all manufacturers to share the benifits.
Win! Win ! create a win-win situation with customers !
整合性產品及服務(Integrated Products and Services)
Tone Spread provides customers with product-planning-design-manufacturing-testing-installation and technical support services,which no only completely designs the products that customers need, but also reduce the overall cost of customers, but also allows customers to quickly solve the problem.
The following is the acceptance completion rate of the products and services we provide:
通馳提供的服務(Tone Spread PROVIDE Services)
通馳科技提供您全方位的服務(Tone Spread Provide You With Your Full Range of Services)
- 測試儀器設備(Test Equimpents)
- 無線電涵蓋及系統設計(RF Coverage & System Design)
- 行動電話信號涵蓋設備器件(Mobile In-Building Coverage Devices)
- 通信設備保養及維修(Repair Services)
- 無線電通信設備器件(Radio Devices)
- 無線廣播系統(Wireless Broadcasting System)
- 光纖傳輸設備器件(Optical Transmission Devices)
- 射頻電纜及接頭轉接頭(RF Cable & Connectors)
- 微波設備器件(Microwave Devices)
- 物聯網(IoT)
- GPS器件(GPS Devices)
- 電源設備(Power Supply)
- 電子元件(Electronic Component)
Our Projects

台北市政府警察局無線電強波器(Taipei City Police Department RF Repeater)
無線電通信及廣播(Radio Communications and Broadcasting)

高雄市政府警察局無線電強波器(Kaohsiung City Police Department RF Repeater)
無線電通信及廣播(Radio Communications and Broadcasting)
Make use of our wireless systems & data services.
無線電信號涵蓋設計規劃(RF Coverage Design)
The Snow Mountain Tunnel on National Highway No.5 is designed and planned to be the only one tunnel in Taiwan with a length of 13 km and full channel FM Radio Borcast.
THSR Mobile phone coverage.
量測服務(Measurement Service)
Electromagnetic radiation detection service of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan.
行動電話涵蓋產品(Mobile In-Building Coverage)
Provided the underground of the Taiwan Railway Kaohsiung ,the Guanyinshan Tunnel of the Easter Main Line of the Taiwan Railway,the Eastern main line Tunnel of the Taiwan Railway,the Taipei MRT Zhonghe Xinlu Line 3/4G mobile phone coverage,Optical Fiber Amplifiers,Point of Interface (POI) and Elevator mobile phone coverage related active/passive compontents.
無線電信號涵蓋產品(Radio System)
The radio signal enhancement of Kaohsiung Police Department's Xiaogang Pass-Through Tunnel.
Taipei City Police Department radio signal enhancement (assisting the Hearing Impaired in the Olympic Peak Games).
通信設備維修服務(Radio System Repair)
Taipei City Government Police Department Radio Communication System (EDACS) maintenance case.
Maintenance of microwave transmitter of Taipei Civil Defense Center.
Far Eas Tone telecom base station maintenance.
Maintenance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Navel Xiaoxueshan radio base station.
微波無線傳輸(Microwave Transmission)
Real-time microwave transmission monitoring of traffic images at the intersertion of Shiding Rest Station on National High 5.