多頻段POI (Point Of interface)是一個多頻段的合路器,將許多不同頻段的射頻信號混合為四個迴路至天線系統.



Multi-band POI (Point Of Interface) is a multi-band combiner that mixes RF signals of many different frequency bands into four loops to the antenna system.

The combiner is generally used at the transmitting end, and its function is to combine two or more radio frequency signals from different transmitters into one radio frequency device sent to the antenna for transmission, while avoiding the mutual influence between the signals of each port.

The combiner generally has two or more input ports and only one output port. Port isolation is a relatively important indicator used to describe the ability of two signals to not affect each other.

在電信領域,接口點 (POI) 用於顯示兩個不同運營商之間的物理接口。

POIPoint Of Interface作為室內覆蓋多網融合的核心設備,POIPoint Of Interface)採用多頻低損耗合路技術,對運營商的上下行射頻信號進行有效合分,可以保證系統無失真合路器傳輸上下行信號,各網絡信號互不干擾,不同系統共用一個室內分佈式系統。

POI作為強大的多路合路器,是一種綜合可靠的無源器件,用於信號集成和傳輸。由於不同的運營商為他們的客戶提供各自的頻率範圍,而客戶可以不受頻率限制地與人自由互動,因此應該有一個智能係統來盡可能地適應移動通信——這就是 POI 的作用。配合直放站設備,可以不受操作者限制地定制頻率接口,同時向樓層、建築物等傳輸組合穩定的信號。






In telecommunications a point of interface (POI) is used to show the physical interface between two different carriers.

POIPoint Of InterfaceAs the core device of multi-network integration for indoor coverage, POI (Point Of Interface) uses multi-frequency low-loss combiner technology to carry out effective combination and division of uplink and downlink RF signals of operators, which can ensure that the system distortion-less combiner transmits uplink and downlink signals without interference among signals in each network, and different systems share an indoor distributed system.

Serving as a powerful multi-combiner, POI is a comprehensive and reliable passive component to signal integration and transmission. Due to different operators provide respective frequency range to their customers, while customers will interact freely with persons despite frequency boundaries, there should be a smart system to accommodate mobile communication as much as possible – this is what POI works for. Partnered with repeater equipment, it can be tailored to frequency interfaces without operator limits, meanwhile transmit combined and stable signal to floors, building, etc.

It is applicable to mobile communications, private trunking communications, telecommunications access network and other systems such as LTE TDD, LTE FDD, TD-SCDMA, CDMA, GSM, DCS, WCDMA (UMTS), WLAN, etc.

 The entire indoor coverage system has a high utilization ratio and low capital cost. 

  • The comprehensive cost is low, and the system is extensible and scalable.
  • High inter-modulation and can resist high power.
  • Easy to get installed.

POI (Point Of Interface)(接口點)



3300-3570 MHz 16 In to 8 Out 5G POI



16 In to 4 Out Multi-band POI(700~2600MHz)



16 in and 4 out multi-band POI (1800~3800MHz)



700~2100 MHz 16 In to 4 Out Multi-band POI



16 In to 8 Out Multi-band 5G POI (3300~3570 MHz)



17 In to 4 Out Multi-band POI(700~2600MHz)



21 In to 4 Out (3G+4G+5G ) Multi-band POI(700~3570MHz)



800~3700MHz 27In 8Out POI



157~2690 MHz 警用 消防 7進3出 (7 Inputs / 3 Outputs ) POI

交通資訊(Traffic Info)

本公司距台北火車站摩托車車程只需20分鐘,地理位置適中,鄰近百齡橋、陽明高中、百齡高中、士林夜市、圓山大飯店、天文台、美術館、兒童育樂中心等。(The company is only 20 minutes away from Taipei Railway Station by motorcycle. The geographical position is moderate, close to Balling Bridge, Yangming High School, Balling High School, Shilin Night Market, Grand Hotel, Observatory, Art Museum, Children's Education Center, etc.)


捷運淡水線:由劍潭站2號出口步行至本公司約10-15分鐘 (MRT Danshui Line: Walk from Exit 2 of Jiantan Station to our company about 10-15 minutes)

250路:公車由永和至後港,每小時一班 (No. 250: Bus runs every hour from Yonghe to Hougang)

529路:百齡→劍潭捷運站→士林區行政中心→百齡 (Route 529: BailingJiantan MRT StationShilin District Administrative CenterBailing)

重慶幹線:百齡→重慶北路→火車站→重慶北路→百齡 (Chongqing Main Line: Bailing Chongqing North Road Railway Station Chongqing North Road  Bailing)

如自行開車至我公司,附近均有收費停車場 (If you drive to our company by yourself, there are paid parking lots nearby)


通馳科技股份有限公司 (Tone Spread Technology Co.,Ltd)
統編(TAX ID):27337203

杰通數碼科技有限公司 (Jietong Digital Technology Ltd.) 
統編(TAX ID):90474210

11169 台灣 台北市士林區福港街 141 號 2 樓

2F ,No 141,Fu-Gang St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 11169, Taiwan


營業時間(Service Hrs)

星期一(Mon) ~ 星期五(Fri) : 9:30am 到 6:00pm

星期六日(Sat~Sun) : 公休(Closed)

例假日(Holiday) : 公休(Closed)


電話(Tel): (02)2882-8979 分機(ext.): 31

傳真(Fax): (02)2882-9196

手機(Mobile): 0935-875-076

手機(Mobile): 0955-073-637

電郵(E-mail): sales@tspd.com.tw;tone.spread@msa.hinet.net

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Line ID: mikechang5000

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