村却國際溫泉酒店位於宜蘭羅東精華地區,並打造超越五星級休閒度假飯店(基地面積3000坪 地上23層 地下4層),鄰近羅東火車站、客運轉運站、羅東冬山河親水公園、宜蘭傳統藝術中心、羅東夜市等具有宜蘭特色之景點所在,交通極為便利 。提供3G+4G室內行動通信語音及數據服務.
Cuncho International Hot Spring Hotel is located in the elite area of Luodong, Yilan, and is built to exceed a five-star leisure resort hotel (base area of 3,000 ping, 23 floors above ground and 4 floors underground), close to Luodong Railway Station, Passenger Transfer Station, and Luodong Dongshan River Water Park , Yilan Traditional Art Center, Luodong Night Market and other scenic spots with Yilan characteristics are located, and the transportation is very convenient. Provide 3G+4G indoor mobile communication voice and data services.
本公司距台北火車站摩托車車程只需20分鐘,地理位置適中,鄰近百齡橋、陽明高中、百齡高中、士林夜市、圓山大飯店、天文台、美術館、兒童育樂中心等。(The company is only 20 minutes away from Taipei Railway Station by motorcycle. The geographical position is moderate, close to Balling Bridge, Yangming High School, Balling High School, Shilin Night Market, Grand Hotel, Observatory, Art Museum, Children's Education Center, etc.)
◎ 捷運淡水線:由劍潭站2號出口步行至本公司約10-15分鐘 (MRT Danshui Line: Walk from Exit 2 of Jiantan Station to our company about 10-15 minutes)
◎ 250路:公車由永和至後港,每小時一班 (No. 250: Bus runs every hour from Yonghe to Hougang)
◎ 529路:百齡→劍潭捷運站→士林區行政中心→百齡 (Route 529: Bailing→Jiantan MRT Station→Shilin District Administrative Center→Bailing)
◎ 重慶幹線:百齡→重慶北路→火車站→重慶北路→百齡 (Chongqing Main Line: Bailing → Chongqing North Road → Railway Station → Chongqing North Road → Bailing)
如自行開車至我公司,附近均有收費停車場 (If you drive to our company by yourself, there are paid parking lots nearby)
通馳科技股份有限公司 (Tone Spread Technology Co.,Ltd)
統編(TAX ID):27337203
11169 台灣 台北市士林區福港街 141 號 2 樓
2F ,No 141,Fu-Gang St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 11169, Taiwan
星期一(Mon) ~ 星期五(Fri) : 9:30am 到 6:00pm
星期六日(Sat~Sun) : 公休(Closed)
例假日(Holiday) : 公休(Closed)
電話(Tel): (02)2882-8979 分機(ext.): 31
傳真(Fax): (02)2882-9196
手機(Mobile): 0935-875-076
手機(Mobile): 0955-073-637
電郵(E-mail): sales@tspd.com.tw;tone.spread@msa.hinet.net
Line ID: mikechang5000
Skype: mikechang666
WhatsApp: +886 935875076
WeChat: mikechang5000